Returns and Exchanges

You have the right to return the products from your order, within 14 days from the day of receiving them for any reason you desire. The returns charge will be deducted from your order.

If a return is payable to you we will process the refund as quickly as possible and in any case within fourteen (14) days of receiving the orders back. Please note we will be unable to refund any postage costs.

Any refund will be processed according to the payment method used for your order. If you made your payment through cash on delivery, please provide your preferred IBAN via email to including your order number for reference.

Alternatively, the refunded amount can remain as a voucher on your account and be offset against your next purchase. For any clarification and assistance, please contact our customer service.

Ensuring the items are returned in their original condition is crucial. The returned products should be unused with all manufacturer tags, the packaging of the box unused (for shoes), and all accessory items, if provided, such as additional shoelaces or seal tags.

Both the box and tags are essential components of the item and should not be damaged. It's important to securely ship the items, preferably using a double-boxing method.

If you wish to exchange or return part or all of your order, please send an informative email to

If the return policy is not followed, the return will be rejected and the cost of the return will be at cost to the buyer.